

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby!

It is important that you bond with your baby and take an equal role in parenting.

The mother-baby breastfeeding relationship is unique and you can help mother and baby have a positive breastfeeding experience. Breastfeeding has many health benefits for your baby and your partner. Your baby doesn’t need anything other than breastmilk for the first 6 months of life. It is recommended that breastfeeding is continued for up to 2 years alongside complimentary solid foods.

Remember the more breastmilk the baby removes from the breast the more milk mothers make.

You can support your partner and baby by:

  • Skin to skin
  • Soothing baby
  • Bathing baby
  • Settling baby
  • Wrap / sling wearing
  • Sharing information that the Midwife/Health Visitor has given you about breastfeeding to the new Mum
  • Tell her what a great job she is doing
  • Supporting when baby cluster feeds or has a growth spurt
  • Be understanding if baby feeds a lot
  • If breastfeeding isn’t going well help her get support
  • New Mums and Dads are very important to their new baby – they need time to talk and get to know their baby
  • Provide regular food and drink for the new Mum
  • Helping around the home

Scroll below for more information

Please explore the following sections for more information:
Your guide to maternal mental health
Your guide to health visiting