School Health Team




To carry out simple instructions containing two key words

* When carrying out the activity, a choice of objects/people/places should be available for the underlined words.


  • Using a doll’s house, give the child a doll and ask them to make the doll do things in specific places e.g. ‘Make the doll jump on the bed’.
  • Play a hiding game. Use a selection of small everyday objects and different containers e.g. box, bag, cup. Ask the child to hide an object e.g. ‘Put the spoonin the box’ and then encourage another child to look for it.
  • Washing dolly and teddy. Sit dolly and teddy in a bath. Give the child a sponge and ask them to wash body parts e.g. ‘Wash dolly’s ears.’ ‘Wash teddy’snose’ (N.B. both dolly and teddy must be visible).
  • Hold a tea party with either toys or other children and have at least three or four tea set objects. Ask the child to give them out to others e.g. ‘Give the plate to Zak’.
  • Pretend to be at the circus. The child is the animal trainer and the adult is the ring master. The child must help the animals perform their tricks (have three animals available) e.g. ‘Make the elephant dance’; ‘Make the horse jump’.
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