School Health Team



What is Constructive Play?

Children learn to co-ordinate their fine motor skills through a variety of activities e.g. building, threading, stacking, interlocking games, craft activities. It can help them to develop a problem solving approach. The child stores visual information which they use at a later date, thus developing memory skills. Importantly it can give the child a sense of achievement when they complete a task.


Constructive Play Ideas:
  • Building with wooden blocks of varying sizes
  • Building with interlocking bricks e.g. Duplo, Lego
  • Train tracks
  • Threading cotton reels, beads, pasta shapes
  • Craft activities – cutting and sticking
  • Junk modelling with cardboard etc.
  • Stacking beakers or cups
  • Inset boards and jigsaw puzzles
  • Den building
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