


When do you feel nipple or breast pain?

When your baby first attaches to the breast you may feel initial discomfort this should only last 30 to 60 seconds and is perfectly normal. This initial pain usually disappears in time and then breastfeeding should be pain free. If the breast pain or sore nipples continue throughout the feed please speak to your Midwife or Health Visitor.


Self help measures for pain and discomfort of the nipples and breasts:

  • It is always worth looking at your breastfeeding positioning and attachment
  • Stimulate a milk ejection by expressing some milk before putting baby to the breast
  • Take an analgesia that is compatible with breastfeeding
  • Breastfeed first on the least sore breast until the milk releases, then move the baby gently to the more painful breast.
  • Apply breastmilk to your nipples between feeds
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