Health Visiting


There are key times within your child’s development that we will arrange appointments to see you and/or your baby/child.

We may send you an ‘ages and stages’ questionnaire (ASQ3) to complete in preparation for the appointment to reflect on your child’s progress. This allows you the opportunity to bring any issues of concern to the appointment for discussion.

The questionnaire also includes lots of activity ideas to try with your child.

  • Antenatal appointment between 28 -38 weeks pregnancy (see information on whooping cough vaccinations in pregnancy)
  • Birth visit at home between 10-14 days
  • Development review between six -eight weeks.
  • Under one year development review between 32-52 weeks of age
  • Two year development review between two years and two years six months.


For more information on these appointments click here

Scroll below for more information

Please explore the following sections for more information:
Your guide to breastfeeding
Your guide to maternal mental health